503A pharmacies

Partnering to address

the unmet needs

Often regarded as the safety net in healthcare, 503A pharmacies play an integral role in maintaining access to essential medications and exploring innovative solutions for patient-tailored care. It requires technical and clinical expertise, business strategy, educating patients and providers, regulatory compliance, product inventory planning, among much more. Diverse and unique requirements that Medisca has been attending to since 1989.


Leveraging the largest customer service team in the industry, a rigorous supply chain network, partnerships in education and testing, patented technology, ventures in patient advocacy – we are here to equip, help secure, and drive growth for 503A pharmacies.

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Who we serve thank you

What our partners

say about us

“Growing a compliant, efficient, and safe compounding pharmacy would not have been possible without the ongoing support of Medisca and their top-notch team."

Christian Stella, PharmD, ABAAHP, FAAMM

Pharmacist and CEO, New York

Partner with us

Together, we can bridge the gaps in healthcare.