Studies library

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Our research fuels scientific advancement and empowers healthcare professionals in the pharmaceutical industry. Explore our extensive library of stability studies, permeation studies, case studies, white papers, and more.

Name of studyAPIs and strengthBase
Case Report of Anal Fissures and Hemorrhoids Treated with Compounded Cromolyn Sodium and Naltrexone Hydrochloride in Medisca's SPG Supposi-BaseCromolyn Sodium, Naltrexone HydrochlorideSPG Supposi-Base
Randomised controlled trial evaluating the short-term analgesic effect of topical diclofenac on chronic Achilles tendon pain: a pilot studyDiclofenac SodiumPLO Gel Mediflo30
Case Study of Estriol Compounded in Medisca NovaFilm Concentrated Mucoadhesive Gel BaseEstriolNovaFilm Gel Base
Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study on Efficacy of Copaiba Oil in Silicone-Based Gel to Reduce Scar FormationN/ACopaSil
Highlighting the Benefits of AlpaWash in Wound Care: Case Reports in Small AnimalsN/AAlpaWash, AlpaWash
Case Report on the Effect of AlpaWash® on the Healing of a Post-surgical Wound in a Female Canine Initially Diagnosed with PyometraN/AAlpaWash, AlpaWash

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